

More iPhone Cool Projectsにcocos2d

More iPhone Cool Projectsにてcocos2dが取り上げられています。

More iPhone Cool Projects: Cool Developers Reveal the Details of Their Cooler Apps and Discuss Their iPad Development Experiences (Books for Professionals by Professionals)

More iPhone Cool Projects: Cool Developers Reveal the Details of Their Cooler Apps and Discuss Their iPad Development Experiences (Books for Professionals by Professionals)


Chapter 1: Using Concurrency to Improve the Responsiveness of iPhone and iPad Applications
Chapter 2: Your Own Content Pipeline: Importing 3D Art Assets into Your iPhone Game
Chapter 3: How FlightTrack Uses External Data Providers to Power This Best-Selling Travel App
Chapter 4: Write Better Code and Save Time with Unit Testing
Chapter 5: Fun with Computer Vision: Face Recognition with OpenCV on the iPhone
Chapter 6: How to Use OpenGL Fonts without Losing Your Mind
Chapter 7: Game Development with Unity
Chapter 8: Cocos2d for iPhone and iPad; It Is Easier than You Think
Chapter 9: Creating an Audio-Centric App for the iPhone with AVAudioPlayer
Chapter 10: Implementing Push Notifications at eBuddy