ReSharper 3.0EAPダウンロード開始
- Rename works in Visual Basic
- The following refactorings work in Visual Basic:
- Rename
- Move type to another file
- Copy type
- Move static members
- Introduce variable
- Live templates work in Visual Basic (not all macros work; no bundled templates)
- Type name completion (Control+Alt+Space) works in Visual Basic
- Smart code completion (Control+Shift+Space) works in Visual Basic
- TO-DO Explorer (try ReSharper -> Windows -> To-do Explorer)
- Solution-wide error analysis (enable it by checking the ReSharper -> Options -> Highlighting -> Analyze whole solution checkbox)
- Automatic member reordering (configured at ReSharper -> Options -> Member Order; configuration UI is plain XML for now as the options are not finalized yet)
- More context actions and quickfixes
- Suggestions
- Make field read-only
- Make parameter type more specific
- XAML is supported (to the extent of recognizing symbols declared in XAML files and resolving some references; more will come in future builds)
TODOエクスプローラは、コメント内に TODOやNoteという単語を書き、 その後にコロンをつけることでTODOエクスプローラーに出現します。 こんな感じですね。 // TODO:これは、あとでやっておくこと // Note:実装メモ